If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, call 833-710-6477 anytime for immediate assistance.

Legacy Giving

Consider including Monadnock Family Services in your Will or Estate plans by joining The Batchelder Society

We invite you to make a legacy gift by including Monadnock Family Services in your Will or Estate planning. If you have already done so, we thank you and ask that you please let us know. We would be honored to count you among the many whose gifts are an enduring legacy to the well-being and vitality of so many children, families, and adults in our community. We would be grateful to count you as a valued member of the Batchelder Society.

Here are a few options you might talk about with your financial advisor or attorney to determine the best plan for you:

Life Insurance Policies

Life insurance policies purchased early in family life are often no longer needed in later years. By naming MFS as the beneficiary of all or a portion of the proceeds of a life insurance policy, you would benefit by either realizing an immediate income tax deduction or a reduction of your estate’s tax liability.


Including Monadnock Family Services in your Will is the simplest form of legacy giving. You can do that by:

• Leaving MFS a percentage of your estate
• Naming a specific dollar amount you want to give to MFS
• Naming MFS as the residual beneficiary of your estate

As a charitable bequest, your gift is deductible when calculating estate taxes. There is no limit on the amount of a charitable deduction.

Retirement funds

Retirement funds are another source of providing a lasting gift to MFS. Having a portion or all of your retirement plan paid out to MFS allows you to gain tax benefits and reduce your estate for purposes of estate taxes.


Donor Advised Fund

A Donor Advised Fund is a type of charitable gifting program that allows you to combine tax benefits and the flexibility to support your favorite charities. A donor advised fund lets you contribute assets (i.e. cash, stocks or bonds) to a charity.

Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)

By establishing a CRT during your lifetime, you can donate assets to your favorite charity through a trust while you and/or your beneficiaries receive payments during your or their lifetime.

Alice Batchelder

History of the Batchelder Society

In September 1905, a group of twenty eight citizens gathered at the home of Mrs. Alice Batchelder to create an organization that would provide food and clothing to needy families. The new organization was called Associated Charities of Keene. Today, it is known as Monadnock Family Services.

Monadnock Family Services has grown and changed in many ways since 1905. We still offer aid to families, but today that aid also comes in the form of counseling and related supports to individuals and families living with mental illness.

The intentions of the original twenty-eight concerned citizens live on today in the generosity of our donors. It was with this caring legacy in mind that MFS created The Batchelder Society.

“We are fortunate to live in a community with a wealth of helping organizations and caring people. We count Monadnock Family Services as among the most critical of that network. As members of the Bachelder Legacy Society we are committed to supporting the work of MFS today and into the future.”

Carolyn Crane and Eileen Fernandes

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