If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, call 833-710-6477 anytime for immediate assistance.

Client Resources

Your First Visit

When you contact us, we will arrange an initial conversation for you with one of our counselors. We ask that you arrive for your appointment 15 to 30 minutes early in order to read some background information and fill out a few forms.

​In the initial meeting, the counselor will ask many questions and gather information about you and, perhaps, your family members. Also, you will have the opportunity to ask questions about what will happen during counseling and receive complete answers. This conversation is called an “assessment.” In the assessment, you and your counselor will begin to probe the causes of the concerns that have brought you or your family member to MFS and also will begin to shape a course of treatment. Then you and the counselor will design an individualized plan that will set goals for counseling and the ways in which you and the counselor will approach your situation. If your counselor thinks that medication could help, we can refer you to a qualified medical care provider for an exploratory conversation.

​Perhaps your treatment can be enhanced by other services that we can connect you to. Our in-house specialists, called “case managers,” can tailor a variety of support services to meet your needs for housing, nutrition, fuel assistance, and other necessities.

​Throughout this process, you will be a full partner. We encourage you to ask questions and to take a leading role in guiding your course of treatment. MFS and its caregivers are ready to be your partners as you create a more positive future for yourself.


Download MFS Privacy Practices


Download MFS Client Rights and Responsibilities


Download MFS Telehealth Information for Informed Consent

Client Rights and Responsibilities

You have a right to be treated with dignity and respect.

You have a right to privacy. All the information you share with staff of MFS is kept private, except in emergencies, like when someone’s health or safety is at risk, or when we are required or permitted by law to disclose the information. MFS staff are required by law to report suspected harm to a child or disabled adult and any threat you might make to harm another person or property. Otherwise, your mental health information will be given to someone else only if you have given us written permission to do so. For more information about how we handle your personal information, ask for a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices.

You have a right to see your mental health record. If you think it contains an error, you may ask to add your own statement to your record. You can ask for a copy of documents from your record; however, you will be charged for the copies beyond 25 pages.

You cannot be denied services because of your race, color, age, gender, religion or creed, national origin, sexual orientation, sexual preference, gender identity or degree of disability.

You have a right to information about the cost of your services.

You have a right to information about your mental health provider’s qualifications.

You have a right to information about proper behavior by your mental health provider and to file a complaint if you feel your provider has violated your rights.

You have a right to request a meeting with the MFS staff who provide your treatment to talk about your mental health condition, your treatment choices and your goals. With some exceptions, you are here by choice. You can choose to leave, ask for a change in services or ask for a change in the providers you see.

You have a right to quality services that will help you in your recovery and to be as independent as you are able. You have a right to be part of choosing your own treatment. You will be informed of the possible risks, side effects, benefits and choices about your treatment. You can bring someone with you whenever you are asked to make choices about your services.

You can access our Emergency Services 24/7 by calling 603-357-4400.

Your Responsibilities

You are expected to treat other clients and MFS staff with respect. You cannot disrupt services or the treatment of other clients. You may not do anything that will cause risk or danger to anyone, or damage property.​

You should ask questions about anything you do not understand and speak up when you don’t agree. Carefully read any papers you are asked to sign and ask for help when you need it. Be an active participant in your care!

Call the day before if you must miss an appointment. Repeated missed appointments may result in discontinued services.

We will bill your health insurance, Medicaid or Medicare for your services. Most people pay for part of the cost of services. You must pay your share or you risk being suspended or terminated from services. If you choose not to use your insurance, you will have to pay the full cost of your services.

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